Jonas Mekas, Reminiszenzen aus Deutschland (1971/1993), 2012, Germany, film still
Jonas Mekas, Reminiszenzen aus Deutschland, 1971/1993, edited 2012, Germany, 25 min.
English [German and English subtitles]
A non-chronological presentation of the filmmaker’s time in German forced labour camps and displaced person camps, a story that begins in 1944 and goes on until 1949.
Jonas Mekas, Reminiscences of a Journey to Lithuania, 1972, Austria/Germany/Lithuania/USA/Russia, 82 min.
English [German and English subtitles]
A diary film accompanied by voice over which features highly personal footage that was filmed in different times and places over the course of the filmmaker’s life.
Screening with Jonas Mekas, Andrea Linnenkohl, and Adam Szymczyk