Glottal Wolpertinger ​(Feedback-Band 2)
by Jan St. Werner


Multi-fragmented composition, 2017

Eight microtonally tuned feedback channels are broadcast over the documenta 14 Radio Program for a period of ten weeks. On July 6, 2017 the feedback channels converge with each other during an installative performance in Athens. The eight composition fragments each consist of a continuously modulated feedback channel based on a harmony. The feedback channels resonate at the tuning frequencies of 44 Hz, 133 Hz, 339 Hz, 527 Hz, 826 Hz, 1014 Hz, 1552 Hz, 1889 Hz, 2.3 kHz, 4.6 kHz, 7.15 kHz, 10.14 kHz, 14.873 kHz, and 29.45 kHz. This results in oscillations, binaural pulses, and sound artifacts. Traditional techniques of orientation in music are pushed beyond the limits of comprehension. Glottal Wolpertinger deconstructs the principle of the musical drone, the timelessly dense, continuously spreading mass of sound, and uses idiosyncratic, abrupt movements to break with the traditional object character of music. The piece culminates in a live performance before an audience at Romantso in the city center of Athens and then breaks down.

Posted in Public Radio

Glottal Wolpertinger

by Jan St. Werner and Dessner brothers

Glottal Wolpertinger (multi-fragmented composition, 2017)

Jan St. Werner, composition, computer
Aaron Dessner, guitar
Bryce Dessner, prerecorded guitar

Glottal Wolpertinger deconstructs the principle of…
