d14 Sessions #6, Dr. Bonaventure Sogh Bejeng Ndikung, documenta 14 Curator at Large, SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin, June 3, 2016, photo: aneducation
Session #6 takes place in Berlin where Dr. Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, director of SAVVY Contemporary Berlin, welcomes us to the opening night of performances and presentations within a special collaborative program organized by SAVVY and the Goethe Institut Johannesburg under the framework of the project “African Futures.” Entitled The Incantation of the Disquieting Muse, the research and exhibition project proposes “witchery” as a point of departure in the past and present. By exploring how supranatural knowledges manifest in cultural, economic, political, historical, medical, and technological infrastructures, the project seeks to present open questions around how future parallel realities might be built.