Jakob Ullmann, Horos Meteoros, mini opera, Megaron, The Athens Concert Hall, documenta 14, photo: Stathis Mamalakis
A mini-opera created on the occasion of the centennial of the Gare du Nord railway station on the Swiss-German border in Basel. The project, which was developed around the station’s history, brings to light its dark past during the Nazi regime, as well as the larger issues of persecution and borders connected to the station. For his composition Horos Meteoros, Ullmann chose to explore the concept of borders, inspired by Euripides and Aeschylus, in particular Aeschylus’s The Suppliants. The concept of borders is manifested in the experience of the concert itself - the stage remains empty while sounds seep into the hall from various connected rooms that the players are placed in.
Jakob Ullmann: Horos Meteoros
Performed by
Christiane Mikoleit, soprano
Molly McDolan, oboe da caccia
Conrad Steinmann, flute
Kyklos Ensemble, string trio
Dimitris Desyllas, percussion
Phønix16, choir

Jakob Ullmann, Horos Meteoros, mini opera, performed by Christiane Mikoleit, Molly McDolan, Conrad Steinmann, Kyklos Ensemble, Dimitris Desyllas, and Phønix16, Megaron, The Athens Concert Hall, documenta 14, photo: Stathis Mamalakis
A coproduction of documenta 14 and The Athens Concert Hall Organization