After emerging from the muddy sea in part I of the durational performance Drawing a Line through Landscape in Athens, Nikhil Chopra takes on part 2 of the performance. This time he will make his way by road through Europe from Athens to Kassel from the May 13 to the June 8, 2017. He will pitch his mobile room in city squares, abandoned villages, and the wilderness, stopping at each location to make drawings on the walls of his tent. Each location is also presented with an original song that is sung to a prerecorded tune. Each location offers new collaborations with local and home-based artists.
Eventually Nikhil will finish his journey in Kassel on the platform of the old Hauptbahnhof (central rail station) with a series of large drawings that will be sewn together and draped to create one continuous panoramic drawing.
Project commissioned by documenta 14 and supported by Piramal Art Foundation, Payal, and Anurag Khanna, Galleria Continua and Chatterjee & Lal
Performance interventions in
-Sofia by Ivo Ivan
-Gorna Lipnitsa by Madhavi Gore and Jana Prepeluh
-Budapest by Ivan Angelus and the Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy
Costume Design: Loise Braganza
Set Design:Aradhana Seth
Film: Sophie Winqvist
Song Writer: Gautam Sharma
Music: Ranjit Arapurkal
Driver: Stephen Frick
Documentation: Madhavi Gore
Project Assistant: Shaira Sequeira