Dimitris Athiridis, T 4 Trouble and the Self Admiration Society, 2009, Greece, film still
The Parliament of Bodies screening of T 4 Trouble and the Self Admiration Society (2009), Dimitris Athiridis, Greece, 108 min. Greek [English subtitles]
July 5: Introduction by Dimitris Athiridis
T 4 Trouble and the Self Admiration Society is a complex portrait of Terry Papadinas, a charismatic yet almost totally forgotten Greek-American rock musician. “There is no success like failure,” says Terry Papadinas, while allowing us to enter his world of addiction, social isolation, family miscommunication, and despair. Far from victimhood or drama, the film progressively unveils Papadina’s wit, his uncorrupted music talent, and his ironic sense of humor. Through an intimate portrait of a fallen music hero, Dimitris Athiridis manages to draw a representation of the hopes and failures of post-dictatorship Greek society and its unresolved relationship to aspirations of fame, power, and recognition.
The Parliament of Bodies is the Public Program of documenta 14. Its special film program adds another layer to the multifaceted experiments with new forms of sovereignty beyond the norm that take place within the spaces of the exhibition as well as in both cities, Athens and Kassel, in the form of a dissonant yet synchronic practices of heteroglossia and heterogeneity.