Pavel Brăila, The Ship, 2017, public bus (KVG line 16), various locations throughout Kassel, documenta 14, photo: Pavel Brăila
The Ship (2017) by Pavel Brăila takes the form of a public bus roaming the city streets of Kassel. Appearing as though half-submerged in seawater, the bus is an appropriation of the Stultifera Navis, or “ship of fools,” a literary theme dating from medieval Europe that persists to this day. Brăila’s Ship presents a changing world mediated by the water of the Aegean Sea, neither discriminating against nor excluding any passengers. Citizens and sans-papiers, locals and visitors are all welcome here. The Ship reminds us that we are all Others, all fools adrift on an ocean of instability.
The public bus line 16 departs from Königsplatz/Mauerstrasse in the city center and takes passengers along the southern perimeter of the Karlsaue Park and the Fulda River—stopping at the public swimming pool “Auebad” with its indoor and outdoor pools and ending at the Auestadion.
The Ship can sail you to the following documenta 14 locations: Fridericianum, Naturkundemuseum im Ottoneum, documenta Halle, Neue Gallerie, CineStar, Königsplatz, Glass Pavilions on Kurt-Schumacher-Strasse, Westpavillon (Orangerie), Kunsthochschule Kassel.
The Ship continues its journey daily until the end of the documenta 14 exhibition on September 17, 2017.