Michel Auder, Phone content HQ6s02 BERLIN CAMERAROLL, 2016, Germany, film still
8:30 pm
Phone content HQ6s02 BERLIN CAMERAROLL, Michel Auder, 2016, Germany, 9 min.
Shot on his phone in 2016, Michel Auder’s latest work delves into stasis and acceleration at the same time: a compressed pack of digital memories indiscriminately flickering across the screen in rapid succession, separated by glimpses of nothingness.

Andrzej Kostenko and Witold Leszczyński, Rewizja osobista (Body Search), 1973, Poland, film still
8:50 pm
Rewizja osobista (Body Search), Andrzej Kostenko and Witold Leszczyński, 1973, Poland, 75 min.
Weaving snippets of Western European commercials into surreal idiosyncrasies of the Polish way of life in the 1970s, this psychological drama (or a psychedelic comedy) is set in and outside a customs office building in the Polish mountains. Five protagonists embark on a cruel journey of self-discovery.
Final Cut is a documenta 14 film program that takes place at Filmladen Kassel, a small arthouse cinema, during the final week of the exhibition. Daily from September 11–17, beginning at 8:30 pm, it presents a selection of riveting yet seldom-seen films compiled by Artistic Director Adam Szymczyk.
If not stated otherwise, all screenings show original versions with English subtitles.
Entrance fee: 7.50 € / reduced 7 €. Tickets for the screenings can be purchased from September 7 or on the day of the screenings, daily from 5 pm at Filmladen Kassel. Reservations are not possible.