documenta 14 Kulturagentin Juliane Gallo leads a mapping exercise with teachers from in and around Kassel, Peppermint, Kassel, May 31, 2016, photo: aneducation
The Kulturagent Project is a collaboration between documenta 14 and eight schools in Kassel and Nordhessen. From September 2016, the “Kulturagent” of documenta 14, Juliane Gallo, extends support to establish a network across local schools by combining a range of learning and teaching models and the ideas of the documenta 14 project and sharing them with its collaborators. The purpose of the project is to stimulate curiosity about documenta 14, encouraging children and young people to gain more knowledge about the history and the significance of the most important series of exhibitions of contemporary art.
A natural and critical approach and active engagement with art and culture should be supported by different aesthetic and social experiences. The form and shape of the projects are developed through a collaboration between the cooperating schools and the Kulturagent.
The idea of the project is based on the nationwide model program “Cultural agents for creative schools”, which was implemented from 2011 to 2015 in the states of Baden-Württemberg, Berlin, Hamburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, and Thuringia.
The aim is to create an environment in which the arts are taken seriously in their importance and where they can develop their potential for creating learning processes. This could foster different ways of approaching art and diversified self-awareness.

Preparing for The Parthenon of Books with students at the Söhre-Schule/Lohfelden, photo: aneducation

Owls have many names. Working with students at the Schule Hegelsberg/Nordstadt, photo: aneducation