The Origin of Everything: Vom tropischen Tieflande zum ewigen Schnee
(The Origin of Everything: From tropical Lowlands to eternal Snow)

by Marco Montiel-Soto


Marco Montiel-Soto explores and composes sounds that deal with relations between poetic and political territories, traditions, economy, religion, pyramids, spaceships, bingo, and death. He presents a sound files archive of barking dogs, beggars, street vendors, musicians, airports, and subway travelers, collected on expeditions in México, Venezuela, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru from 2013–17. The Origin of Everything: Vom tropischen Tieflande zum ewigen Schnee merges sound recordings with voices, drums, flutes, maracas, and other native musical instruments collected during expeditions in these countries. The piece is a creole composition of popular oral cultures in the streets of Latin America, which, as an assembled cartography, encompasses archaeologies of knowledge, cosmos, and chaos.

Posted in Public Radio on 04.12.2017