In the Woods There Is A Bird . . .by Olaf Nicolai 00:00/31:01

In the Woods There Is A Bird . . .
by Olaf Nicolai


21/01/2011, ALBANIA, Tirana // 17/09/2012, ARGENTINA, Córdoba // 03/07/2007, AUSTRALIA, Anvil Hill // 15/02/2016, BELGIUM, Bruxelles // 07/02/2014, BOSNIA, Sarajevo // 17/06/2013, BRAZIL, Porto Alegre // 30/01/2017, BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro // 10/06/2014, BRAZIL, São Paulo // 24/07/2013, BULGARIA, Sofia // 23/11/2016, CAMEROON, Bamenda // 11/06/2014, CHILE, Santiago de Chile // 14/08/2012, CHINA, Sichuan // 2011/11/11, COLOMBIA, Bogotá // 26/05/2016, CONGO, Kinshasa // 13/04/2012, EGYPT, Cairo // 26/01/2013, EGYPT, Cairo // 21/03/2015, FRANCE, Paris // 17/06/2016, FRANCE, Paris // 21/01/2017, GABON, Libreville // 21/01/2015, GERMANY, Leipzig // 12/12/2015, GERMANY, Leipzig // 28/06/2016, GREAT BRITAIN, London // 22/05/2008, GREECE, Athens // 02/09/2015, GUATEMALA, Guatemala City // 29/11/2014, HONG KONG, Mongkok // 02/02/2017, HUNGARY, Budapest // 21/01/2009, ICELAND, Reykjavik // 01/08/2016, INDIA, Kashmir // 29/12/2012, INDIA, New-Delhi // 13/05/1998, INDONESIA, Jakarta // 20/06/2009, IRAN, Tehran // 23/07/2011, ISRAEL, Tel Aviv // 21/07/2001, ITALY, Genoa // 15/10/2011, ITALY, Rome // 09/12/2014, JAPAN, Tokyo // 26/08/2015, LEBANON, Beirut // 21/07/2011, LIBYA, Tripoli // 21/11/2015, MACEDONIA, Gevgelija // 08/10/2014, MEXICO, Mexico City // 25/07/2014, NIGERIA, Zaria // 07/01/2013, NORTHERN IRELAND, Belfast // 23/05/2010, POLAND, Warsaw // 02/02/2017, ROMANIA, Bucharest // 29/05/2010, RUSSIA, Moscow // 10/10/2010, SERBIA, Belgrade // 20/06/2015, SLOVAKIA, Bratislava // 26/12/2007, SOUTH AFRICA, Cape Town // 10/12/2013, SOUTH AFRICA, Soweto/Johannesburg // 19/11/2016, SOUTH KOREA, Seoul // 06/03/2010, SPAIN, Madrid // 19/06/2011, SPAIN, Madrid // 21/01/2015, SWITZERLAND, Davos // 01/12/2013, THAILAND, Bangkok // 30/05/2013, TURKEY, Istanbul // 15/07/2016, TURKEY, Istanbul // 23/02/2014, UKRAINE, Kiev // 16/06/2016, USA, Atlanta // 26/03/2011, USA, Los Angeles // 18/05/2016, VENEZUELA, Caracas // 22/04/2011, YEMEN, Sanaa

The piece uses radio as a source (rather than a medium of transmission) to explore the relation between sound and indexicality. Background sounds of demonstrations, riots, and rallies recorded for radio are used as sources for generating concrete sound objects and inspiring interpretations by musicians. The project is accompanied by a publication, a map, and a calendar that file the recorded “noises” by place and time.

“In the woods there is a bird; his song stops you and makes you blush … And then, when you are hungry and thirsty, there is someone who drives you away” (A. Rimbaud).

In the Woods There Is A Bird… is available as a limited edition on vinyl, which is published by Public Possession. The artist book In the Woods There Is A Bird… is published by Koenig Books, London.

Sound Production: Frank Bretschneider; Musical Consultant: Theo Nabicht; Radio Consultant: Iris Drögekamp; Publication Production: Till Gathmann; Research: Marian Kaiser & Astrid Matron

Thank you to all contributors,who provided sounds and permission of use, especially to the international radio correspondents of ARD and Deutschlandradio.

Posted in Public Radio

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