From the storefront of no. 13 on this pedestrian street, it is a short walk to Victoria Square, a low-key crossroads for people of myriad nationalities, newly settled or passing through Greece. In Spring 2016, Victoria Square made news when it became a makeshift refugee camp, mostly for people fleeing violence in Afghanistan and Syria. More recently, an Iraqi-Kurdish restaurant has opened on the square’s northwest corner, and in the Café des Poètes across the way, you may hear stories of film shoots in this once-posh neighborhood, or of how the central statue of Theseus rescuing Hippodamia from the centaur Eurytion, made by the German sculptor Johannes Pfuhl in 1906, was shot at during the Civil War of 1946–49. In this zone marked by the coming together of many peoples, artist Rick Lowe, together with local agencies, is finding ways to forge connections, initiating dialogues that links arts and culture with small businesses as well as with support networks for immigrant and refugee groups.