documenta 14 is not owned by anyone in particular. It is shared among its visitors and artists, readers and writers, as well as all those whose work made it happen.…
On 25 October 2015, Polish parliamentary elections were won decisively by the Law and Justice (PiS) party. A few months earlier, in May of last year, the party’s candidate Andrzej Duda won the presidential…
In an era characterized by its identification with materiality, one tends to dissociate the material from its larger cultural and historical nexus and instead focus on it as commodity. The sculptures and…
Every single photograph of the work is permeated by the violence that the Israeli state exercises against the people of al-Khalil/Hebron, and all of the Palestinian people, in the occupied West Bank—through…
What does it mean to be free when the market exceedingly places the demand on individuals to be free, creative, autonomous, and striving? What is the difference between what Foucault, since the end of…
Founded in Delphi by Theodoros Terzopoulos in 1985, the Attis Theatre is dedicated to performing the work of ancient Greek tragedy. The theater collaborates with international festivals and theaters to…
Kiev-born experimental filmmaker, poet-writer, self-trained dancer, and photographer Maya Deren (initially Eleanora Derenkowsky) arrived in the United States in the wake of anti-Semitic pogroms in the…
Opened in 1978, this cultural center in the historical administration building of the former stockyards in Mombachstrasse has long been a place where people of disparate social backgrounds come together…
by Nabil Ahmed, with images by Gauri Gill and Rajesh Chaitya Vangad
Peter Sloterdijk famously wrote that modernity began on the northern fronts of World War I, when imperial Germany first deployed poisonous chemicals, which they dug into their trenches, against French…
Passing Drama by Angela Melitopoulos revolves around the great population displacement that followed the breakdown of the Ottoman Empire. The title plays with the double meaning of the word “Drama.” Implying tragedy and turmoil, Drama is also the name of the town where Melitopoulos’s grandparents settled after the Lausanne convention in 1923…
To approach a definition: the score is a notational device that connects the material of a discipline—ranging from music, dance, and performance to architecture, linguistics, mathematics, physics—and…
Twenty years ago, the No One is Illegal campaign was established as a decentralized network of anti-racist, migrant, and refugee-solidarity groups within documenta X’s Hybrid Workspace. Since then, it…